Animal Rescue
Crittery is a small home-run rescue for rodents and small mammals, based in Oxfordshire. We offer life-time backup.
View Rescue AnimalsHow does the Rescue work?
We can advise on rehoming your animals, and where we have space, can take these in either as permanent residents or to rehome privately. Any animal that does not find a suitable new home, stays with us for life in pet conditions. We are based in Oxfordshire.
- Crittery can offer rescue space, without judgement. Hamsters, mice, dormice and other common and exotics.
- Rehoming fees and process applies. First-time owners are welcome providing you have done your research. Feel free to enquire
- Any animal that does not find a responsible, vetted home stays with Crittery for the duration of its life as a sanctuary resident.
- All animals will be quarantined upon arrived and stay with us for a minimum of 2 weeks to have behaviour assessed, pregnancy watch passed, and any veterinary treatment given.
- Crittery specialised in exotic species and prioritises space for those, due to their higher care needs.
If you are new to a species please do not let it put you off enquiring; we are here to offer advice and support on these animals as well as give you plenty of resources to continue your research.
Help us keep going!
Crittery has been operating since 2007, as an educational resource site and with the rescue aspect self-funded. We have never received sponsorship or funding, nor do we advertise any services. We offer neutral and impartial information that is constantly updated as new information and animal care practices change and improve. We have ongoing costs for our sanctuary animals, rescues, and running and updating this well-used and referenced site. Our personal life circumstances have changed, and we need your help now more than ever!
Article reference: What Makes a Good Rescue?

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- Amazon Wishlist towards rescue animals only.