Species List
Peer-reviewed information on the history and care needs of common and exotic rodents and small mammals kept as pets. Exotic pet resources, videos & sound files.
Research SpeciesMedia Centre
Articles on animal care, natural enrichment, environment and illness as well as issues such as split-caging gerbils and introducing new mice. Our Rodentpedia includes information on behavioural traits, health conditions & DIY and kid-friendly animal care guides.
Read up on Animal CareAnimal Rescue
Crittery is a small home-run rescue for rodents and small mammals, based in Oxfordshire. We offer life-time backup, keep animals in pet conditions, & have extensive experience in a range of species, specialising in exotics. Get in contact if we can help you.
Animal RescueCrittery is an exotic pet resource website providing information on common and exotic rodents and small mammals such as African Pygmy Mice, African Pygmy Dormice, Fancy Mice, Harvest Mice, Mongolian Gerbils, Mouse-like Hamsters, Southern Flying Squirrels, Steppe Lemmings and Zebra Mice amongst many others.
Crittery can be contacted for animal advice and commissions on article writing, animal care courses through the about us page.